Marsupialia - Marsupials |
Didelphidae - Opossums |
Didelphis aurita |
Big-eared Opossum |
Didelphis virginiana |
Virginia Opossum |
Xenarthra - Xenarthrans |
Dasypodidae - Long-nosed Armadillos |
Dasypus novemcinctus |
Nine-banded Armadillo |
Bradypodidae - Three-toed Sloths |
Bradypus variegatus |
Brown-throated Sloth |
Insectivora - Hedgehogs, Moles, and Shrews |
Erinaceidae - Hedgehogs |
Paraechinus hypomelas |
Brandt's Hedgehog |
Talpidae - Moles |
Condylura cristata |
Star-nosed Mole |
Parascalops breweri |
Hairy-tailed Mole |
Soricidae - Shrews |
Blarina brevicauda |
Northern Short-tailed Shrew |
Sorex cinereus |
Masked Shrew |
Sorex fumeus |
Smoky Shrew |
Chiroptera - Bats |
Emballonuridae - Sac-winged Bats |
Saccopteryx bilineata |
Greater Sac-winged Bat |
Phyllostomidae - New World Leaf-nosed Bats |
Artibeus aztecus |
Aztec Fruit-eating Bat |
Artibeus lituratus |
Great Fruit-eating Bat |
Artibeus obscurus |
Dark Fruit-eating Bat |
Carollia perspicillata |
Seba's Short-tailed Bat |
Glossophaga soricina |
Pallas's Long-tongued Bat |
Vespertilionidae - Evening Bats |
Antrozous pallidus |
Pallid Bat |
Eptesicus fuscus |
Big Brown Bat |
Lasionycteris noctivagans |
Silver-haired Bat |
Lasiurus borealis |
Eastern Red Bat |
Myotis leibii |
Eastern Small-footed Myotis |
Myotis lucifugus |
Little Brown Bat |
Myotis septentrionalis |
Northern (Long-eared) Myotis |
Myotis velifer |
Cave Myotis |
Pipistrellus kuhli |
Kuhl's Pipistrelle |
Pipistrellus subflavus |
Eastern Pipistrelle |
Molossidae - Free-tailed Bats |
Tadarida brasiliensis |
Mexican Free-tailed Bat |
Primates - Monkeys |
Callitrichidae - Marmosets |
Callithrix jacchus |
Common Marmoset |
Callithrix penicillata |
Black-tufted Marmoset |
Cebidae - Capuchins |
Sapajus nigritus |
Black-horned Capuchin |
Atelidae - Spider Monkeys and Howlers |
Alouatta guariba |
Brown Howler |
Carnivora - Carnivorans |
Canidae - Wild Dogs |
Canis latrans |
Coyote |
Ursidae - Bears |
Ursus americanus |
American Black Bear |
Procyonidae - Raccoons and allies |
Procyon lotor |
Northern Raccoon |
Mustelidae - Weasels, Otters, Skunks, and allies |
Martes americana |
American Marten |
Martes pennanti |
Fisher |
Lontra canadensis |
Northern River Otter |
Mustela frenata |
Long-tailed Weasel |
Mephitis mephitis |
Striped Skunk |
Felidae - Wild Cats |
Lynx rufus |
Bobcat |
Pinnipedia - Seals |
Otariidae - Eared Seals |
Arctocephalus australis |
South American Fur Seal |
Otaria flavescens |
South American Sea Lion |
Zalophus californianus |
California Sea Lion |
Phocidae - True Seals |
Phoca vitulina |
Harbour Seal |
Cetacea - Whales and Dolphins |
Balaenidae - Right Whales |
Eubalaena glacialis |
North Atlantic Right Whale |
Balaenopteridae - Rorquals |
Balaenoptera acutorostrata |
Minke Whale |
Balaenoptera physalus |
Fin Whale |
Megaptera novaeangliae |
Humpback Whale |
Delphinidae - Oceanic Dolphins |
Orcinus orca |
Killer Whale |
Stenella attenuata |
Pantropical Spotted Dolphin |
Stenella frontalis |
Atlantic Spotted Dolphin |
Tursiops truncatus |
Common Bottlenose Dolphin |
Hyracoidea - Hyraxes |
Procaviidae - Hyraxes |
Procavia (capensis) syriacus |
Rock (Cape) Hyrax |
Sirenia - Manatees and the Dugong |
Trichechidae - Manatees |
Trichechus manatus |
West Indian Manatee |
Artiodactyla - Even-toed Ungulates |
Tayassuidae - Peccaries |
Tayassu tajacu |
Collared Peccary |
Antilocapridae - Pronghorns |
Antilocapra americana |
Pronghorn |
Cervidae - Deer |
Odocoileus hemionus |
Mule Deer |
Odocoileus virginianus |
White-tailed Deer |
Rangifer tarandus caribou |
Woodland Caribou |
Bovidae - Wild Cattle, Antelopes, and Goats |
Capra nubiana |
Nubian Ibex |
Rodentia - Rodents |
Sciuridae - Squirrels, Marmots, and allies |
Sciurinae - True Squirrels and Flying Squirrels |
Sciurus aestuans |
BrazilianSquirrel |
Sciurus carolinensis |
Eastern Gray Squirrel |
Sciurus granatensis |
Red-tailed Squirrel |
Sciurus niger |
Fox Squirrel |
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus |
American Red Squirrel |
Glaucomys volans |
Southern Flying Squirrel |
Xerinae - Ground Squirrels, Marmots, Chipmunks, and Prairie Dogs |
Tamias striatus |
Eastern Chipmunk |
Neotamias minimus |
Least Chipmunk |
Spermophilus spilosoma |
Spotted Ground Squirrel |
Spermophilus tridecemlineatus |
Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel |
Spermophilus variegatus |
Rock Squirrel |
Marmota monax |
Woodchuck |
Cynomys ludovicianus |
Black-tailed Prairie Dog |
Castoridae - Beavers |
Castor canadensis 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
North American Beaver 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
Geomyidae - Pocket Gophers |
Geomys bursarius |
Plains Pocket-Gopher |
Cratogeomys castanops |
Yellow-faced Pocket-Gopher |
Heteromyidae - Pocket Mice and Kangaroo Rats |
Dipodomys ordii |
Ord's Kangaroo Rat |
Perognathus flavus |
Silky Pocket Mouse |
Chaetodipus hispidus |
Hispid Pocket Mouse |
Dipodidae - Jerboas and Jumping Mice |
Allactaginae - Jerboas |
Allactaga elater |
Little Five-toed Jerboa |
Zapodinae - Jumping Mouse |
Napaeozapus insignis |
Woodland Jumping Mouse |
Zapus hudsonius |
Meadow Jumping Mouse |
Muridae - Old World Mice and Rats |
Gerbillinae - Gerbils |
Meriones libycus |
Libyan Jird |
Psammomys obesus |
Sand Rat |
Cricetidae - Voles, Hamsters, and New World Mice |
Arvicolinae - Voles |
Microtus arvalis |
Common Vole |
Microtus pennsylvanicus |
Meadow Vole |
Microtus pinetorum |
Woodland Vole |
Ondatra zibethicus |
Muskrat |
Neotominae - New World Mice |
Baiomys taylori |
Northern Pygmy Mouse |
Neotoma leucodon |
White-toothed Woodrat |
Neotoma micropus |
Southern Plains Woodrat |
Peromyscus leucopus 1, 2 |
White-footed Mouse 1, 2 |
Peromyscus maniculatus |
Deer Mouse |
Reithrodontomys megalotis |
Western Harvest Mouse |
Onychomys leucogaster |
Northern Grasshopper Mouse |
Sigmodontinae - Cotton Rats and allies |
Sigmodon hispidus |
Hispid Cotton Rat |
Nectomys squamipes |
Scaly-footed Water Rat |
Erethizontidae - New World Porcupines |
Erethizon dorzatum |
North American Porcupine |
Caviidae - Wild Cavies and Capybaras |
Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris |
Capybara |
Lagomorpha - Hares, Rabbits, and Pikas |
Leporidae - Hares and Rabbits |
Lepus americanus |
Snowshoe Hare |
Sylvilagus audubonii |
Desert Cottontail |
Sylvilagus floridanus |
Eastern Cottontail |